Thursday, April 28, 2011

News Article for 4/29

At the beginning of the year, Mexico's schoolchildren were put on a diet.  But, there are many ways to cheat on the diets because of the New Year's resolutions.  Some of the food's that are allowed to be sold in the school's are: lollipops, potato and corn chips, and cookies.  The message is kind of going through, but the portions are smaller.  Soft drinks are banned in elementary schools, the chips are baked and not fried.

Mexico is one of the fattest countries in the world because the obesity starts really early.  The government says that one in three children are overweight or obese.  The education minister at one school said that the rules removed about 90% of fried foods from schools.  Children start heading home from school and there are vendors all over on a narrow street selling candy, chips, nachos and ice cream.  A lot of them bought a snack for the way home, but they haven't forgot the lessons from school.

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